
react Component

dddzr 2022. 8. 7. 21:17

React Component 비교


Class Component

많은 기능제공, 대신 코드길고복잡, 성능느림

- provide more features

- longer code

- more complex code

- slower performance


Functional Component

적은 기능제공, 코드 간단, 성능빠름

- provide less features

- short code

- simpler code

- faster performance


React Hooks이 발표된 이후로

기존에 functional compoent에서는 사용할 수 없던

lifecycle, state 부여 등의 기능을 functional compoent에서도 사용할 수 있게 됨.


React Classes vs Functions: Which One To Use? | SPEC INDIA

An interesting and informative blog comparing React Classes and Functions on the basis of various aspects, examples, and notable differences.


*react lifeCycle

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